State Senate Bill 1383 now requires multifamily properties to provide trash, recycling, and organics waste services to all residents and employees.
For additional information about SB 1383 and how this legislation addresses climate change visit: California’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy - CalRecycle Home Page
SB 1383 requires residents of multifamily properties to:
Place source separated organic waste, including food waste, in the designated organic waste container;
Place source separated recyclable materials in the designated recycling container; and
Place trash in the designated trash container.
SB 1383 requires property managers to:
Provide and allow access to adequate number, size, and location of waste collection containers with compliant labels or colors, consistent with the City’s collection service, for employees and residents;
Annually provide employees and residents with information about the City and State recycling requirements, and how to properly sort organic and recyclable materials into the proper waste receptacles;
Provide waste sorting information to new tenants within 14 days of move-in date.
Periodically inspect organic, recycling, and trash containers for contamination.
Provide or arrange access for the City or its representative to access their properties during all inspections to confirm compliance, and
Accommodate and cooperate with the City and/ or hauler’s contamination monitoring program.

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